Optional Rules and Expansions
Rolling for Ability Scores
Once you have the hang of playing Dungeon Rune, try rolling for your Ability Scores rather than using the pre-set blocks. To do this, roll 4d6 and discard the lowest number. Now add the other three together, this gives you the main score. Do this five more times and note down all of your Ability Scores. Next, for each one you need to work out the modifier. To do this, subtract 10 from the Score, divide by 2 and then round down. The result could be anywhere from -4 to +4 and this is the Ability Modifier.
Individual Initiative
When combat begins, for a more varied experience try having each player roll a d20, then have the GM roll for each group of enemies. Either write a list or use Initiative Tracker cards / tokens to play combat each in turn from highest to lowest.
Critical Success and Failure
When rolling to attack, if the number of the d20 is either 1 or 20 (either extreme) this is sometimes called a Critical (or Natural) roll. A Natural-20 / Critical Success means that your character did the best they possibly could. As an optional rule, this can be rewarded by rolling twice for the damage dealt. The flip side of this though is that a Natural-1 / Critical Failure means that your character did the worst they possibly could. If you are playing this optional rule, in this case you should roll a Dexterity Check. If you get less than 10 then your character doesn’t just miss but falls over and takes 1d4 damage from the fall.
Fall (and other special) Damage
In a normal game, if a character falls from a great height they can be considered to have died from the impact (as such, it is generally advisable to avoid long drops!)
As an optional extra rule though, if a character falls from a rooftop or off a cliff or any other height, work out how far they have fallen and roll 1d4 for every 2m. Add this up and the total is the damage they take from the landing.
Likewise, any time a character might take a small amount of damage from a physical encounter - such as running into a wall, having a door slammed in their face or tripping and falling – roll 1d4 for each strike and the character takes this as damage from the encounter.
Writing Your Own Rules
Dungeon Rune is designed and written to be extended and grown. Everyone is encouraged to write their own species, skills, feats, spells, items, games and worlds for it as well as any additional rules that you think could enhance a game.
Why not try adding a system of character levels with increases to hit points and skills each time characters level up? Or maybe add magical items or a whole other kind of weapon or attack? The only limit really is your own imagination!
Whatever you come up with, make sure to discuss it with your own group and agree on how you will play it. Write up your ideas and share them with friends. Build worlds and then explore them. Above all though, have fun!