Character Creation

Your character is your avatar in the game world. Playing the role of them, you make decisions and choose directions to explore and interact with the world. To help you with this, there are a few options to make to define the person you are playing as …


First things first, you need to pick which species you are playing as. There are three options available to choose from …

HUMANS are, as the name suggests, humans. They are between 1.5m and 2m tall and a comfortable mix of athletic and dextrous.

ELVES look very similar to humans although they are often far taller and very thin in the body and the face. They are inherently dextrous although often not as strong.

GOBLINS are short and stocky and often quite gruff in their manner. They are very strong and athletic although they are often more clumsy with day-to-day tasks.

Ability Scores and Modifiers

Ability scores are static based on the species you wish to play. Pick from the following and note your ability scores …

Attribute Human Elf Goblin
Strength 12 10 16
Dexterity 12 16 10
Constitution 10 12 14
Intelligence 14 11 12
Wisdom 11 12 11
Charisma 16 14 12

Modifiers are calculated as the score minus ten, divided by two and rounded down. As the scores are static, the modifiers are as follows …

Attribute Human Elf Goblin
Strength +1 +0 +3
Dexterity +1 +3 +0
Constitution +0 +1 +2
Intelligence +2 +0 +1
Wisdom +0 +1 +0
Charisma +3 +2 +1


As an adventurer, your character has honed their skills with a particular role in mind during travel and combat. This is known as their class. There are four routes to choose from …

Class Description
Fighter A trained warrior with a knowledge of combat and conflict.
Healer A surgeon with a knowledge of herbs and treatments.
Magician A student of the mystic arts with a knowledge of the arcane.
Rogue A wily and sly individual with a knowledge of stealth and surprise.


Skills define your character’s ability to perform particular types of task. You have 20 points to apply and may do so with any distribution you like. Class Skills (noted below with a *) cost 1 point per level. Cross-Class Skills cost 2 points per level. You must divide your points between a minimum of 5 skills.

Skill Fighter Healer Magician Rogue
Academia * *
Brawn *
Deduction *
Finesse * *
Healing *
Intuition * * *
Nature * *
Persuasion * * *
Stealth *

Skillset Example

A fighter could have 3 points to Brawn, 1 to Deduction, 4 to Finesse, 2 to Intuition, 3 to Nature and 3 to Stealth

Brawn, Finesse, Intuition and Nature are all class skills so they would cost 3 + 4 + 2 + 3 = 12

Deduction and Stealth are cross-class skills so they would cost (1 * 2) + (3 * 2) = 8

12 from class skills and 8 from cross-class skills makes the total of 20 for a new character.

About the Skills

  • Academia … this covers the reading and studying of text books and histories. It includes everything from magic and science to history and religion.
  • Brawn … this covers strenuous physical activity, lifting heavy objects, climbing high peaks and running long distances.
  • Deduction … this covers everything from problem solving to investigation and following clues and trails.
  • Finesse … dancing, juggling, acrobatics, sleight of hand, everything that requires a flick of the wrist or a nimble movement.
  • Healing … this includes first aid, the preparation of remedies and the application of treatment for injury or illness.
  • Intuition … this includes an insightfulness and a perception and awareness of the world around and the people in it.
  • Nature … this covers everything from handling animals and hunting prey to following tracks and surviving in the wilderness and wastes.
  • Persuasion … this includes convincing other people, deceiving them or, if it comes to it, straight up intimidation and manipulation.
  • Stealth … this covers everything from hiding to moving quietly and avoiding being seen.


Feats are special abilities that may help your character during the game. This could be anything from quicker attacks to skill with certain weapons or the ability to move and fight in armour.

You gain a set of feats based on your species and class and then may choose two more as you wish for your character.

Species Feats

Species Included Feats
  • Power Shot
  • Weapon Proficiency: Ranged Weapons
  • Weapon Proficiency: Heavy Ranged Weapons
  • Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons
  • Critical Strike
  • Weapon Proficiency: Ranged Weapons
  • Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons
  • Weapon Proficiency: Unarmed Attacks
  • Armour Proficiency
  • Weapon Proficiency: Heavy Ranged Weapons
  • Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons
  • Weapon Proficiency: Unarmed Attacks

Class Feats

Class Included Feats
  • Power Attack
  • Item Proficiency: Surgeon’s Bag
  • Lucky
  • Rapid Shot

About the Feats

In total there are 14 feats that can be chosen from. Your remaining 2 choices may be for any that are not included with your class, there are no pre-requisites.

  • Armour Proficiency … Your may wear armour
  • Power Attack … As a bonus action you may roll once more for damage after a successful melee attack
  • Flurry … As a bonus action after a melee attack you may make another melee attack
  • Critical Strike … As a bonus action you may give yourself advantage on a melee attack action
  • Power Shot … As a bonus action you may roll once more for damage after a successful ranged attack
  • Rapid Shot … As a bonus action after a ranged attack you may make another ranged attack
  • Sniper Shot … As a bonus action you may give yourself advantage on a ranged attack action
  • Weapon Proficiency: Ranged Weapons … You may use light ranged weapons
  • Weapon Proficiency: Heavy Ranged Weapons … You may use heavy ranged weapons
  • Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons … You may use melee weapons
  • Weapon Proficiency: Unarmed Attacks … You may make melee attacks without a weapon
  • Item Proficiency: Surgeon’s Bag … You may use a surgeon’s bag
  • Item Proficiency: Trackers Kit … You may use a tracker’s kit
  • Lucky … Three times per day you may re-roll any Ability Check, Skill Check or Attack Roll


During games, characters may find, win, earn and spend money on food, board, equipment and services. The base unit of money is Silver Pennies (sp) with One Silver Pence (1sp) being the smallest unit and, as such, the cheapest anything could be.

Some common costs are …

1 spA loaf of bread
5 spA cold meal
10 spA hot meal
50 spA room for one night in a tavern
100 spA horse
500 spFour horses and a guide
1,000 spEight horses and a carriage
5,000 spA skilled worker for two months
10,000 spA small house
50,000 spA medium house
100,000 spA large house
500,000 spA castle
1,000,000 spA private island

Starting Equipment

Various equipment is available throughout the game and may be found or procured when visiting towns or fighting enemies. As a minimum however, an adventurer begins with the following basic equipment …

  • Travelling Clothes
  • A Backpack
  • 6 Torches
  • A Flint and Steel
  • A Bedroll
  • 200sp Starting Money

Fighters start with the following additional items

  • Either a Short Sword or a Battle Axe

Healers start with the following additional items

  • A Surgeon’s Bag and a Dagger

Magicians start with the following additional items

  • A Magic Staff and a Dagger

Rogues start with the following additional items

  • Either a Short Bow or a Crossbow

Hit Points

Hit Points denote how much damage your character can take before falling unconscious. Your character’s maximum hit points are set by their species as follows …

ClassMaximum Hit Points

Armour Class

Your character’s armour class denotes how easy / hard they are to hit with an attack. It is calculated as 10 + your dexterity modifier. Additional points can be gained if your character finds or buys armour (different armour types specify the bonuses they give and whether they may be worn / used with other armour too).


When a character attacks an enemy or vice versa, roll a d20 and add the attack modifier to the result. If the total is greater than or equal to the defender’s Armour Class then the attack is successful.

For a successful attack, damage should be rolled according to the weapon used and the total is then taken away from the defender’s Hit Points.

If a character or enemy’s Hit Points drop to 0 then they fall unconscious. If they continue to be attacked or to take damage and their Hit Points drop to -20, they are dead.

Weapon Use
Dagger Melee, +2 to hit, 1d4 damage
Short Bow Ranged, +2 to hit, 1d6 damage, range 50 m
Crossbow Heavy Ranged, +4 to hit, 1d8 damage, range 25 m
Short Sword Melee, +4 to hit, 1d6 damage
Battle Axe Melee, +2 to hit, 1d8 damage
Unarmed Attack Melee, Dexterity Modifier to hit, 1d4 + Strength Modifier damage (minimum of 1)


A character with a Surgeon’s Bag and proficiency to use it may prepare a healing balm as an action then apply it as a later action (performed over two successive rounds if desired). Use of the balm stops any poison effect and restores 1d6 + the Healing score of the character that prepared it.

Once prepared, the balm must be used by a character with Surgeon’s Bag proficiency however it does not need to be the same character that prepared it.

Hit Points may also be restored by resting. Characters may rest anywhere where there is no threat of attack or arrest. A rest takes 8 hours and restores a character to their full Hit Points.

A character’s Hit Points may not increase beyond their original maximum regardless of how many healing balms or rests they have.

Magic Spells

Magicians may use their staves to cast spells during their adventures. Some of these may be helpful during investigations and travel, some allow for an attack or a defence during combat. All magicians learn a base set of spells, however they may also learn or create new ones as they travel too.

Some spells, such as Fire Bolt, have an immediate effect that ends within the casting time. Others, such as Illusion, where no end point is specified, continue until the Magician casting it:

  • Decides for it to end
  • Moves out of range
  • Falls unconscious
  • Drops or loses their staff

Known Spells

Fire Bolt
Casting Time … 1 Action
Range … 10m
Effect … A dart of fire shoots from your staff towards an enemy or object. Items are automatically hit by this spell. If hit, an enemy or item is set on fire and will continue to take damage automatically each round until an action is used to extinguish it.
For an enemy … magical, +4 to hit, 1d8 damage, range 10m
Casting Time … 1 Action
Range … 10m
Effect … A dart of ice shoots from your staff towards an enemy or object. Items are automatically hit by this spell. If hit, an enemy or item is frozen and cannot move or be opened until a Normal Brawn Skill Check breaks the ice.
For an enemy … magical, +4 to hit, 1d8 damage, range 10m
For an object … the item is frozen
Casting Time … 1 Action
Range … Within Sight
Effect … You cause an image to appear in a space you can see. The image must be flat and no larger than a 2m in height or width. If objects or characters come into contact with it they pass through it with no ill effect.
Casting Time … 1 Action
Range … 25m
Effect … A bright light is emitted from your staff and illuminates a circle up to 25m around you as if the area were lit by daylight.
Casting Time … 1 Action
Range … Touch
Effect … Placing your staff against a door or box you cause it to become magically locked. A DC 15 Strength Check is then necessary to force the lock open. Once opened, the spell is dispelled from the object until cast again.
Casting Time … 1 Action
Range … 100m
Effect … You telepathically transmit a message of no more than 15 words to an ally within range. The recipient hears the message as if you had spoken it next to them however no sound is heard by any bystander.
Casting Time … 1 Action
Range … Touch
Effect … By touching your staff against an item of food or drink, you may cause it to become poisonous to any who consume it. Casting this spell against an enemy, they must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution Check or become Poisoned. Once poisoned by this spell’s effect, a creature takes 1d6 damage every minute until they are healed or they die.
Casting Time … 1 Action
Range … Touch
Effect … By touching your staff against an item of food or drink that was poisoned, you may cause it to become poison free to any who consume it.
Casting Time … 1 Action
Range … 10m
Effect … A dart of electricity shoots from your staff towards an enemy or object. Items are automatically hit by this spell. If hit, an enemy or item is electrocuted and will take double damage if wearing metal armour or standing in water.
For an enemy … magical, +4 to hit, 1d8 damage, range 10m
Casting Time … 1 Action
Range … 200m
Effect … Your staff begins to glow as your voice increases in volume so that you may be heard up to 200m away through any other noise or commotion.